Sierra Park
I.O.O.F. Sierra Camp Subdivision


C.17-03-014 - Robert Bettencourt, Jr. vs. Sierra Park Water Company (U440) - 3/29/2017

Note: The case and exhibits were originaly submitted on 12/21/2016 but was lost by the CPUC. The CPUC subsequently found the case and filed it on 3/29/2017, however the exhibits were not found and at the request of the CPUC the Exhibits were re-submitted on 4/17/2017 and the CPUC filed them on 4/18/2017.

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Plaintiff's Trial Exhibit 1 - Photos of Water Box (PDF 1.17 MB)
Plaintiff's Trial Exhibit 2 - Discontinuance of Service Notice - 5/26/2016 (PDF 1.15 MB)
Plaintiff's Trial Exhibit 3 - Plaintiff's Hearing Notes - 4/24/2017 (PDF 106 KB)
Plaintiff's Trial Exhibit 4 - Plaintiff's Response to Rates Collected from All Lots - 5/23/2017 (PDF 123 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJKELLY/CPUC - C1703014 (108145) - 5/8/2017 (PDF 112 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1703014 (108145) - 5/8/2017 (PDF 52.2 KB)

Amended Complaint - Exhibits 1 through 6 - C1703014 (107387) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 3.67 MB)
Amended Complaint - Exhibits 7 through 11 - C1703014 (107387) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 5.82 MB)
Certificate of Service - C1703014 (107387) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 518 KB)

Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt - Robert Bettencourt, Jr. - C1703014 (107388) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 754 KB)
Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt - Sierra Park water Company (U440W) - C1703014 (107388) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 755 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1703014 (107388) - 4/18/2017 (PDF 35.2 KB)

Instructions to Answer with Hearing Notice - C1703014 (107295) - 4/14/2017 (PDF 550 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1703014 (107295) - 4/14/2017 (PDF 526 KB)

Notice of Impound Funds - C1703014 (106907) - 3/29/2017 (PDF 632 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1703014 (106907) - 3/29/2017 (PDF 35.2 KB)

Complaint - C1703014 (106834) - 3/29/2017 (PDF 4.55 MB)

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